Ottomatic Control Systems, Inc. (OCS, Inc.) ADAPTABLE ENGINE CONTROL Engines could change modes
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First, let's see an explanation of today's engine operating method. The present mechanical method has problems. Using today’s method, engines with dedicated (constant) operation use fuel constantly. It’s outdated & needless. As engines run they waste fuel. The present method has explosions (pulses) when an engine rotates. Gauge pressure decreases as a piston descends per the degree of rotation of a flywheel. Today's technology has pulses about 3” apart as vehicles move in high gear. Engines fire before top dead center (TDC) today but by the time the crank rotates to 90 degrees after TDC, lab data shows near 300 psi (from 600 to 300 psi) on gauges. Pressure drops ½ after explosions. When the angle reaches 90 degrees after top dead center (TDC) pressure is approximately 50% of an initial reading at the time of an explosion. Rapid cooling depletes pressure. Pressure loss is a problem engineering hasn't solved. Solutions to many problems are in a pending patent.
We’ll provide a similar process as to how a mechanical system runs. Engines could change modes of operation using the computing system. Electronic mode changes could be anytime while an engine runs. A change of modes could be achieved using electronic technology. It is considered futuristic. Mode changes lower fuel use. An adaptable method of operation could be proven to be a fact. Applied scientific testing is our first step in a process of discovery for dynamic operation. Speed of success could be very good. If you see a bright future then help our research venture to improve transportation. See Specifications in the pending patent.
Today transportation is vital (needed). Be open to an idea for transportation. The invention/system relates to an apparatus of an engine. Learning about an alternate method is vital. Changing a method to control engine operation is disclosed. Don't our cars basically run the same speed 99% of the time during a trip? Engines may get a technology that’s being developed to learn about. Wouldn't it be okay if I ask a question? Don’t we fund unique opportunities? A solution to waste is explained next.
Vehicles may soon have intermittently free-wheeling engines as 2nd generation (2nd gen.) engines. Engines could freewheel 99% of the time until their computing system mandates a combustion pulse. The Master Contol switches on cylinder valves & fuel injectors so they may activate randomly per conditions. An advantage is a cylinder won’t use fuel when it isn’t activated if the computing system doesn’t send current requesting a pulse. Less fuel use is considered economical and a green technology. Lower pollution is good also. A timing improvement (explained) may produce 600 psi about 90 degrees after TDC when a piston is moving fastest. < 600 psi could increase engine HP.
A "Hall effect" sensor near the flywheel detects a lower rpm reading so a selected cylinder/cylinders operate valves and injectors to raise rpm. Periodic or sequential activation could replace constant operation of cylinders. A 2nd generation (2nd gen.) engine changes modes for economy. 2nd gen. operation will be controlled electronically by dual computers. See the full explanation in the pending patent Specfication. Study the developer’s explanation of important progress with a fail-safe, dual computing system using sensors and electromagnet components.
An unknown electronic engine technology is beneficial and could be shared. There’s a patent pending technology being developed. An application for "Variable Engine Control" was submitted in July. Electronic, adaptable operation is protected by the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). It has good potential for future mechanical design because it's versatile using a computing system. It is at the United States Patent and Trademark (USPTO) Office in Alexandria, VA. The USPTO has Otto 63/397,533 “Variable Engine Control” pending. The unique way is similar to an engine’s normal method of operation. The developer is providing what engineers didn’t discover… electronic control. Research in mechanical engineering labs could record proof of the value of an intermittent technology (changing modes). An international patent needs to be applied for in the next year. Join an opportunity to benefit from this discovery.
When an electronic system allows dynamic changes to occur … couldn’t the idea be considered an improvement? Electronic operation could eliminate use of a mechanical, constant duty engine operation … it could be a valuable advance. Elementary, fundamental principles of unique, new designs are being proven. Computing algorythm progress allows simple improvements because we control the combustion cycle a special way. More ways can be found to introduce electronic engine operation. Using basic parts, engineering a special design is a series of fundamental changes.
Engineers could have a new method to change how an engine operates. Variable actuation systems offer a level of control of the combustion cycle. When timing belts or chains, tension adjusters, camshafts, rocker assemblies, pushrods, & lifters can be removed from smaller, lighter, and shorter new (2nd gen. engines) or currently in-use engines for what's next in the electronic kits.
A working prototype is completed. The working model needs college graduate lab analysis. Experimental engine grad students are known for their excellent scientific evaluations. Variable electronic engine operation is a theory now. You’re free to choose to reject or monitor research done in labs. The engineering team (R&D) is developing a ground-breaking electronic technology for kits. Our engineering is exciting … you’re welcome to join our team. Team member capital is welcome for this venture. Monetary supporters could be business partners (% assets or preferred stock) and are offered executive positions on our Board of Directors. Continue your interest in what could provide a wonderful beginning for our 2nd gen. engines. Proof of improvements using the scientific method must be done. Graduate thesis papers describing the lab research proof will be published in printed media for engineers and scientists. A Press Release was posted. Appraisal Education is centered on maximizing what is discovered. A unique concept to improve an existing technology uncovers what was concealed within a scientific field. Configurations (mechanisms) perform a function and a discovery (eureka moment) for a device occurred. An adaptable technology is being developed now. Consider joining an opportunity that’s highly rated. It’s offered… join a project to produce it. Welcome to a future that could be improved by intermittent firing technology. Approval Electronic engineering is a solution to serious shortcomings of mechanisms that have one way (absolute) to operate. Lab data could show electronic advances have potential. Adapting to conditions can be instantaneous. Transforming an industry is possible and could ignite a technology revolution because adaptable operation is obtainable. The developer is using a computing system to process data. A Master Control needs computations for correct commands to electronic parts. Presentation Performance is a priority of our present engine design. Designs are patented by inventors yearly. Discovery of a similar form could be updated for future transportation. This technology developer explores common obstacles to improvements because people are skeptical of new designs. Research has taken decades to get scientific data. Electronic technology has promise because lab work could be done faster (ASAP). An opportunity is offered to financiers. You’re free to choose to help. Team members are welcome to join the project. Due Diligence Operation of a business before production can compare similar companies in the same industry. Our report is a compilation of records others made. It compares production of 26,500 engines per day or is 6,890,000 yearly in the US (value $8,675,000,000). The developer understands there’s a financial benefit for engine builders. Building each one could take less time but how much time saved is not determined. Half the parts are needed. The cost for parts & labor saved is $4 billion. Beneficial downsizing of engines (1/2 size) is possible because doubling power from cylinders is a good idea. Production A vital priority is to produce electronic component kits; keeping up with engine manufacturing. The developer could set supply goals by agreements. Early purchases of on the shelf parts were low cost. Solenoids (2 @ $25 ea.) for each cylinder are $50. One computing system is $248. There are 2 computers $496. Kits of those components will take minutes to assemble. Engine suppliers could pay 2 ½ times wholesale per an agreement. Profit is according to contracts. Kits could have a margin of 90-95% and sell for what replacement engines cost at retail outlets. Further explanation continues. Offer a pledge of research support for what needs to be proven as a fact. The task for improving our world is about to be reality because proving a revolutionary technology can improve transportation design. Lab research is for graduates of a Mechanical Engineering College. There is a News Release called "Variable Engine Control". Choose to distribute the News Release contact document. Share it on networks. You're welcome to use < it's this website on the screen. Refer others to this site.
Engineers could have a new method to change how an engine operates. Variable actuation systems offer a level of control of the combustion cycle. When timing belts or chains, tension adjusters, camshafts, rocker assemblies, pushrods, & lifters can be removed from smaller, lighter, and shorter new (2nd gen. engines) or currently in-use engines for what's next in the electronic kits.
A working prototype is completed. The working model needs college graduate lab analysis. Experimental engine grad students are known for their excellent scientific evaluations. Variable electronic engine operation is a theory now. You’re free to choose to reject or monitor research done in labs. The engineering team (R&D) is developing a ground-breaking electronic technology for kits. Our engineering is exciting … you’re welcome to join our team. Team member capital is welcome for this venture. Monetary supporters could be business partners (% assets or preferred stock) and are offered executive positions on our Board of Directors. Continue your interest in what could provide a wonderful beginning for our 2nd gen. engines. Proof of improvements using the scientific method must be done. Graduate thesis papers describing the lab research proof will be published in printed media for engineers and scientists. A Press Release was posted. Appraisal Education is centered on maximizing what is discovered. A unique concept to improve an existing technology uncovers what was concealed within a scientific field. Configurations (mechanisms) perform a function and a discovery (eureka moment) for a device occurred. An adaptable technology is being developed now. Consider joining an opportunity that’s highly rated. It’s offered… join a project to produce it. Welcome to a future that could be improved by intermittent firing technology. Approval Electronic engineering is a solution to serious shortcomings of mechanisms that have one way (absolute) to operate. Lab data could show electronic advances have potential. Adapting to conditions can be instantaneous. Transforming an industry is possible and could ignite a technology revolution because adaptable operation is obtainable. The developer is using a computing system to process data. A Master Control needs computations for correct commands to electronic parts. Presentation Performance is a priority of our present engine design. Designs are patented by inventors yearly. Discovery of a similar form could be updated for future transportation. This technology developer explores common obstacles to improvements because people are skeptical of new designs. Research has taken decades to get scientific data. Electronic technology has promise because lab work could be done faster (ASAP). An opportunity is offered to financiers. You’re free to choose to help. Team members are welcome to join the project. Due Diligence Operation of a business before production can compare similar companies in the same industry. Our report is a compilation of records others made. It compares production of 26,500 engines per day or is 6,890,000 yearly in the US (value $8,675,000,000). The developer understands there’s a financial benefit for engine builders. Building each one could take less time but how much time saved is not determined. Half the parts are needed. The cost for parts & labor saved is $4 billion. Beneficial downsizing of engines (1/2 size) is possible because doubling power from cylinders is a good idea. Production A vital priority is to produce electronic component kits; keeping up with engine manufacturing. The developer could set supply goals by agreements. Early purchases of on the shelf parts were low cost. Solenoids (2 @ $25 ea.) for each cylinder are $50. One computing system is $248. There are 2 computers $496. Kits of those components will take minutes to assemble. Engine suppliers could pay 2 ½ times wholesale per an agreement. Profit is according to contracts. Kits could have a margin of 90-95% and sell for what replacement engines cost at retail outlets. Further explanation continues. Offer a pledge of research support for what needs to be proven as a fact. The task for improving our world is about to be reality because proving a revolutionary technology can improve transportation design. Lab research is for graduates of a Mechanical Engineering College. There is a News Release called "Variable Engine Control". Choose to distribute the News Release contact document. Share it on networks. You're welcome to use < it's this website on the screen. Refer others to this site.
Support pledges for research could be made at < (I could help)
Mechanical engineer, paraphrased: As I said in an earlier email, I think most people would readily agree that if an engine could do what you describe, it would be a great benefit to the world. I agree with you that such a machine could make a huge impact on our environment. It is easy to see saving most fuel & having less carbon pollution could be beneficial.
Using less parts is an advantage because engines could need less service. I don’t think there’s a weakness in how you describe potential use of such a design. These are some thoughts that jumped out at me as I read your vital information in the pending patent Specification. It’s a good explanation of the technology. – Michael H., Wednesday, May 18, 2022
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OCS, Inc.
PO Box 170115
Birmingham, Al 35217-0115
[Pledges could help lab research prove a variable electronic technology for engines is a fact]